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    Appui à la redynamisation du secteur forestier et agroforestier du Burundi
    (Cirad, 2006) Besse, François et al.
    Le Burundi sort d'une situation de crise qui a duré plusieurs années et n'a pas ète sans conséquences pour le pays, ses habitants et ses ressources. Le ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, du tourisme et de l'environnement a sollicité le Cirad pour, dans le cadre de la relance du secteur forestier du Burundi, renforcer sa collaboration avec le CIRAD, l'UICN et le CIFOR, contribuer à l'identification des besoins pour la finalisation et la mise en oeuvre de la politique forestière en définissant les axes prioritaires d'intervention dans la gestion des ressources forestières et agroforestières et en renforçant la formation des agents et les filières bois et contribuer à la formulation de projets. Les échanges avec les services de l'État concernés, les institutions internationales, ainsi que les bailleurs de fonds ont permis de préciser les contextes politique et socio-économique, mais également agricole et environnemental reconnus par ces partenaires. L'analyse des programmes et projets de développement rural et environnementaux en cours ou engagés, ont permis de dégager les axes d'interventions principaux dans ces domaines : lutte contre la pauvreté, relance du secteur agricole, stratégie de coopération de l'Union européenne, réintégration des populations déplacées et réhabilitation des terres. Le Cadre stratégique de croissance et de lutte contre la pauvreté constitue le document de référence pour la politique agricole, environnementale et de développement rural pour le Burundi. Plusieurs tournées sur le terrain ont ete organisées par le m1n1stere, dans des zones de forêt naturelle (Parc de la Kibira) et de plantations forestières (Bukinanyana, Gakara, Vyanda). Des échanges avec des élus locaux ont permis de compléter les informations recueillies à Bujumbura sur la décentralisation et le rôle des autorités locales. La forêt de la Kibira a subi des dommages importants, mais les plantations ont été relativement peu affectées par les événements des dernières années. Les travaux sylvicoles n'ont pu être effectués et le volume de bois sur pied est important, voire très important. Les zones agricoles sont très sollicitées et l'occupation des sols dense. La pression démographique reste forte et l'espace disponible se restreint ; les pratiques d'élevage devront subir une évolution qui semble inéluctable. Des actions sont à mener à très court terme par le ministère. Le texte actuel de la Stratégie Nationale de lutte Contre la Pauvreté élude l'importance du bois énergie et des produits forestiers non ligneux. Il conviendrait de faire des propositions d'enrichissement du CSLP qui prennent également en compte les aspects aménagement du territoire et productions forestières, qui s'inscrivent dans la démarche de décentralisation engagée, et d'organiser un atelier de travail avec toutes les parties prenantes pour s'accorder sur une stratégie de mise en oeuvre de la politique forestière et définir les rôles, responsabilités et moyens pour chaque niveau institutionnel. La politique de décentralisation et la loi communale offrent un cadre institutionnel propice à la gestion des ressources forestières et environnementales. Les produits d'exploitation des plantations peuvent constituer un élément moteur pour l'autonomie financière des communes, tout en assurant aux services forestiers les moyens de développer une gestion des ressources forestières en partenariat avec les institutions et les populations locales. Des propositions de projets concrétisent ces recommandations.
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    L'agroforesterie au Burundi
    (Cirad, 1991) Besse, F.; Guizol, Ph.; De ligne, Anne
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    Regard critique sur les impacts socio-économiques et écologiques des peuplements d’eucalyptus au Burundi
    (Cirad, 2023) Nduwimana, André et al.
    La forte adoption de l’eucalyptus dans le reboisement et son expansion rapide dans des parcelles villageoises au Burundi font l’objet de fortes critiques et les décisions politiques, bien que contestées, risquent de saper les efforts de reboisement pour un pays dont le paysage naturel ne subsiste qu’au sein des aires protégées. L’objectif de l’étude est de démontrer que le genre Eucalyptus est fortement apprécié par les populations burundaises comme essence de production de bois et que son succès socio-économique est un élément à ne pas sous-estimer dans les programmes de reboisement et de gestion de l’environnement. La méthodologie a consisté en une collecte de données de terrain sur l’importance de l’eucalyptus au Burundi, ceci en estimant la fréquence de ses produits dans les principaux points de vente des produits ligneux à Bujumbura et des plants produits par les projets et programmes ayant le volet reboisement dans leurs attributions. Les résultats montrent que, malgré de potentiels effets environnementaux, l’eucalyptus est de loin l’essence préférée et adoptée au Burundi comme essence de reboisement. Il domine en effet les plants produits pour le reboisement et les produits vendus. Il est prisé par les populations locales pour son apport en termes de revenu et pour ses multiples utilisations, de sorte que l’image négative qu’on a tendance à lui attacher relève alors de fausses attentes et de mauvaises pratiques (conduite des peuplements et traitements du sol, durée de rotation, etc.). Les données de cette étude clarifient des informations relevant de polémiques, et contribuent à une meilleure compréhension des plantations d’eucalyptus et d’espèces exotiques, ceci au service d’une meilleure gestion.
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    Aménagement du territoire et impacts sur la gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers en Afrique centrale
    (CIRAD, 2024) Guizol, Philippe et al.
    L’aménagement du territoire (AT), en général, est une politique qui tend à organiser les activités humaines sur un espace géographique défini, basé sur un objectif à long terme. Cette politique a pour but de renforcer la cohésion sociale de cet espace à différentes échelles. L’organisation du territoire définit à une échelle plus fine des zones, des sous-territoires et y affecte pour chacun des objectifs en cohérence avec l’objectif global de long terme de l’AT.
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    La restauration des paysages forestiers (RPF) en Afrique centrale
    (CIRAD, 2024) Guizol, Philippe et al.
    L’objectif de ce chapitre est de faire le bilan de la restauration des paysages et des forêts en Afrique centrale. Nous commençons par clarifier dans la première partie le concept de restauration des paysages. Nous présentons ensuite dans la deuxième partie quelques cas qui illustrent l’état de la RPF en Afrique centrale. Enfin dans la troisième partie, nous abordons la question de sa gouvernance avant de conclure.
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    Whole Body Computed Tomography Scan of the Polytrauma Patient at Kira Hospital in Bujumbura: About 17 Cases
    (OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal, 2023) Manirakiza, S; Mbonicura, JC; Murekatete, C; Niyondiko, JC; Barasukana, P, et al.
    Aim: To determine the epidemiological and tomodensitometric aspects of multiple trauma patients who have benefited from a whole body CT scan at Kira Hospital in Bujumbura. Patients and methods: This is a descriptive retrospective study focusing on patients who underwent a whole-body CT scan for multiple traumas over a 20-month period from January 2016 to August 2017. The analysis focused on the following data: age, sex, multiple trauma circumstances, whole body scan protocol and CT results. Results: This study involved 17 patients including 13 men (76.47%) and 4 women (23.53%), aged between 18 and 82 years. Their average age was 43.7 years. A road traffic accident was the main cause of multiple traumas (82,35%). During the whole body CT scan, traumatic lesions were found in 94.1% of patients. The most affected region was the thorax with 64.7% of cases, with a predominance of pleural lesions (52.94%). Abdomino-pelvic lesions were discovered in 47.1% of cases and intraperitoneal effusions represented 29.41% of cases. In the cranioencephalic stage, lesions were found in 29.41% of patients with a predominance of bone lesions (29.41%). Cervical lesions were less represented with a single case (5.88%). Conclusion: A polytrauma patient presents with lesional polymorphism, with lesions predominantly on the thoracic level. The whole body computed tomography examination takes pride of place in establishing a complete and exhaustive lesion assessment.
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    Unilateral Femoral Neck Fracture after Epileptic Seizure in Young Patient: A Case Report
    (Open Journal of Orthopedics, 2020) Niyondiko, J. C. et al.
    Femoral neck fracture occurring after an epileptic seizure is a rare and underdiagnosed injury. The majority of the reported cases in literature are old patients with osteoporosis. Younger patients present several risk factors of osteopenia and the treatment remains controversial. We present an outcome of a 23 years old patient with unilateral femoral neck fracture occurring during an epileptic seizure and we discuss the associated multiple risk factors of osteopenia and osteonecrosis of the hip. The patient was brought to the emergency department of Teaching Hospital of Kamenge (CHUK) complaining of pain in his left hip that had been progressing for one month after an epileptic seizure. There is a history of HIV infection since birth and epileptic seizures with ongoing treatments for both diseases. Despite the high risk of avascular necrosis, the treatment choice has been influenced by the patient’s age and a conservative surgery by internal fixation with Dynamic Hip Screw has been made. Unfortunately, this treatment early resulted in osteonecrosis of the hip since HIV infection itself and the highly active anti-retroviral therapy increase its risk.
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    Treatment of Fracture Dislocation of the Femoral Head in a Resource Limited Country (Burundi)
    (Open Journal of Orthopedics, 2020) Ndayizeye, G. et al.
    Introduction: Fractures of the femoral head are rare injuries which generally follow a traumatic dislocation of the hip or in a poly-trauma scenario. A fracture dislocation of the femoral head is an orthopedic emergency. The most frequent complications after a fracture of the femoral head are osteonecrosis, post traumatic arthritis and heterotopic ossification. Objective: To focus on the therapeutic aspect of fracture-dislocations of femoral head and their short- and long-term prognoses. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted at Kamenge teaching hospital and Rohero Christian medical and surgical clinic from January 2013 to August 2020. All patients diagnosed with fracture-dislocations of the femoral head were included in this study. Results: Five patients were admitted for fracture dislocation of the femoral head. The mean age was 40.4 years and varied between 25 and 55 years. The dashboard injury was the most common mechanism and was found in four patients (80%). A standard x-ray was performed for the five patients as well as CT scans in two cases. All patients had posterior iliac dislocations with fractures of the femoral head classified as Pipkin I in three patients and Pipkin III in two patients. Closed reduction under general anesthesia within six hours was possible in one among the five patients and within 12 hours in two patients. These three cases were managed with open reduction showed fracture union without avascular necrosis, posttraumatic arthritis or heterotopic ossification. The functional results for the five patients with an average follow up of four years were very good (3/5) and good (2/5). Conclusion: The diagnosis of fracture dislocations of the femoral head was based on clinical, radiographic and computed tomography criteria. Early reduction and internal fixation can restore the natural anatomy of the hip joint, especially in young adults with a good long-term prognosis. Sometimes total hip replacement is necessary for management of fracture dislocations of the femoral head.
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    Informal Sector Workers’ Perceptions of Health Insurance Coverage in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo
    (Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2024) Kushombere, P. B. et al.
    The DRC has recently embarked on an unprecedented social protection drive, to establish a degree of equity in access to basic social services through the implementation of Universal Health Coverage, which is still in its infancy. The country’s authorities have made this social protection program a priority since their main concern is to remove financial barriers to access to quality health care. The study therefore sought to find out how workers in the informal sector perceive this program. This study is a result of Observation, Guided discussion groups, In-depth individual interview and Recruitment or selection criteria for focus groups. It aims to assess the perceptions of informal sector workers regarding health insurance coverage in the province of South Kivu in the DRC. Interviews with workers in the informal sector, both in urban and rural areas, show that they are very attached to the universalization of the social protection system: “Everyone would like to be able to benefit from health insurance”. These same people declare that those who almost died for lack of means to seek treatment had to sell part of their fields for those living in rural areas, and those living in urban areas had to sell an object of value to pay for treatment. In South Kivu in particular, and DR. Congo in general, despite the exposure of informal sector workers to risk and income insecurity, 97% of informal sector workers are not covered by health insurance. This lack of health insurance coverage is a major factor in social exclusion and poverty. These informal sector workers add that several reasons or factors exclude them from health insurance coverage: low and irregular income to pay social contributions to the social security service and/or insufficient means to join the social protection service (health insurance); lack of willpower as they are demotivated by the management of these organizations; the very long duration of the contributions required and finally the lack of political will on the part of the country’s political players, good governance. Health insurance in the DRC must take into account the fact that, in the face of profound changes in society (war, aging, chronic illness, etc.) and the world of work, health insurance and the occupational risks branch must act to continue to protect every insured person. A driving role at the heart of the healthcare system, in synergy with all the players involved. We must also take into account the three fundamental principles of equal access to care, quality of care, and solidarity, to guarantee universal access to care.
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    Fatal Cranio-Encephalic Trauma in Bujumbura: Epidemiological, Clinical and Computed Tomography Aspects
    (Open Journal of Medical Imaging, 2024) Manirakiza, S. et al.
    Background: Traumatic brain injuries are a major cause of death and mortality in young adults. Computed tomography allows for a lesion assessment to establish the prognosis in case of good management. This study aims to elucidate the epidemiological, clinical, and computed tomographic characteristics of patients who succumbed to traumatic brain injuries. Patients and method: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted over a 16-month period from August 2021 to December 2022 at the Teaching Hospital of Kamenge, Kamenge Military Hospital, Kira Hospital and Tanganyika Care Polyclinic. We included patients who died because of cranioencephalic trauma, regardless of whether they underwent a CT scan. A total of 58 patients met our inclusion criteria. The parameters analyzed included epidemiological data, clinical characteristics, and cranioencephalic CT findings. Results: During the period, 266 patients were admitted to intensive care with traumatic brain injuries. Among these, 63 patients (27.87%) died. The mean age of the patients was 37.36 years (± 16.33), with men comprising 89.66% of the cases. Road traffic accidents accounted for 46 cases (79.31%). Upon admission to intensive care, 39 patients (67.24%) exhibited impaired consciousness, unilateral mydriasis was observed in 26 patients (44.83%), and intracranial hypertension 33 patients, predominantly located in the left hemisphere (51.51%) and primarily affecting the frontal lobe (51.51%). Hemorrhagic contusions were noted in 26 patients (78.78%). Notably, 70.69% of deaths occurred within three days of hospitalization. Conclusion: Cranioencephalic trauma primarily affects young males. CT scans provide a comprehensive assessment of these injuries. Most fatalities occur within the first 72 hours of hospitalization. was noted in 20 patients (34.48%). The Glasgow Coma Scale score was recorded for 40 patients (68.9%), of whom 37 (92.5%) had a score of 8 or lower, with a mean score of 6.15 (± 2.14). CT scans were prescribed for 57 patients (98.28%), with 33 patients (57.89%) undergoing the procedure. Skull fractures were identified in 20 patients (60.61%), while brain lesions were present in all
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    Aloe and its Effects on Cancer : A Narrative Literature Review
    (East African Health Research Journal | Volume 5, 2021) Manirakiza, Astère; Irakoze, Laurent; Manirakiza, Sebastien
    Many years ago, Aloe Vera was cited to have a lot of therapeutic properties including; anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin protection, wound healing, and regulation of blood glucose and cholesterol. However, Aloe could present some side effects. This review focused on the latest discoveries regarding the therapeutic role of Aloe plant or its compounds on the acquired biological capabilities for tumour growth and progression namely; evading growth suppressor, avoiding immune destruction, enabling replicative immortality, tumour promoting inflammation, activating invasion and metastasis, inducing angiogenesis, genome instability and mutation, resisting cell death, deregulating cellular energetics and sustaining proliferating signalling. It clarified the anti-cancer activities it exerts on different types of cancer and also highlighted some pro-oncogenic pathways that can be disrupted by different compounds of Aloe.
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    Assessment of Knowledges, Attitudes, and Practices of Health Personnel with Regard to Hypertension During Pregnancy in Hospitals of Bujumbura
    (Indian Journal of Clinical Cardiology, 2021) Ndirahisha et al.
    Objective: To assess knowledges, attitudes, and practices of health personnel in Bujumbura hospitals with regard to hypertension during pregnancy. Methodology: This study has been conducted on health personnel of gynecology and obstetrics department of three national referral hospitals in Bujumbura. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by Epi Info 7.2. Results: In a total of ninety-seven health workers participated in our study and 78.3% were paramedics with 53.6% of nurses and 24.7% of midwives. Medical doctors represented 21.6% of the participants. The sex ratio was 1.4 in favor of women. The professional experience was more than 5 years for 64.9% of participants. Concerning knowledge about hypertension; 74.2% of participants correctly defined hypertension during pregnancy. Despite this, only 48.4% respected conditions about its measurement. concerning attitude toword hypertension; 94.8% of participants informed their patients about the risks linked to hypertension in pregnancy before any therapeutic strategy. The antihypertensive drugs contraindicated during pregnancy were known by 54.6% of participants. To prevent preeclampsia, low doses of aspirin and calcium were prescribed by 42.2% of participants. Conclusion: Hypertension during pregnancy is a worrying situation for health personnel, which still has many theoretical and practical gaps
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    Understanding the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital-based mortality in Burundi: a cross-sectional study comparing two time periods
    (Cambridge University Press, 2020) Habonimana, D. et al.
    This study used hospital records from two time periods to understand the implication of COVID-19 on hospital-based deaths in Burundi. The place of COVID-19 symptoms was sought among deaths that occurred from January to May 2020 (during the pandemic) vs. January to May 2019 (before the pandemic). First, death proportions were tested to seize differences between mortality rates for each month in 2020 vs. 2019. In the second time, we compared mean time-to-death between the two periods using the Kaplan–Meier survival curve. Finally, a logistic regression was fitted to assess the likelihood of dying from COVID-19 symptoms between the two periods. We found statistical evidence of a higher death rate in May 2020 as compared to May 2019. Moreover, death occurred faster in 2020 (mean = 6.7 days, S.D. = 8.9) than in 2019 (mean = 7.8 days, S.D. = 10.9). Unlike in 2019, being a male was significantly associated with a much lower likelihood of dying with one or more COVID-19 symptom(s) in 2020 (odds ratio 0.35, 95% confidence interval 0.14–0.87). This study yielded some evidence for a possible COVID-19-related hospital-based mortality trend for May 2020. However, considering the time-constraint of the study, further similar studies over a longer period of time need to be conducted to trace a clearer picture on COVID-19 implication on hospital-based deaths in Burundi
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    Incidence du carcinome hépatocellulaire lors de l’infection chronique par le virus de l’hépatite B
    (Pan African Medical Journal, 2015) Ntagirabiri, Rénovat; Munezero, Bélyse; Kaze, Hippolyte; et al.
    Introduction: le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB) est incriminé comme cause de cancer primitif du foie. Le stade de fibrose et d'autres facteurs environnementaux et génétiques seraient intriqués. Le but de notre travail était de déterminer l'incidence du carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC) lors d'une infection chronique par le VHB et estimer le risque relatif (RR) de CHC lié au stade de la fibrose hépatique. Méthodes: étude prospective de suivi d'une cohorte de patients porteurs chroniques du VHB sur une période de 5 ans (2009 à 2014). Etaient inclus les patients consécutifs qui ont subi un dosage de la charge virale B, une évaluation de la fibrose hépatique et un suivi régulier de tous les 6 à 12 mois par une échographie hépatique. Résultats: au total 194 patients ont été retenus. L'âge moyen était de 39,1 ans. Parmi eux 112 étaient des hommes. L'incidence cumulée de CHC a été de 8,8% dans la population d'étude soit une incidence annuelle de 1,8%. Selon le stade de fibrose, 31 patients avaient une fibrose sévère ou une cirrhose (score Fibrotest >0,73). Parmi eux, l'incidence cumulée de CHC était de 35,5% soit une incidence annuelle estimée à 7,10%. Parmi 163 patients ayant une fibrose mineure, l'incidence cumulée de CHC était de 3,7% soit une incidence annuelle de 0,7%. Le RR lié à la cirrhose était de 9,7; IC 95%: (3,8-24,1%). Conclusion: le VHB expose au CHC jusqu'à 10 fois. La fibrose sévère et la cirrhose constituent des facteurs prédictifs de CHC chez le porteur chronique du VHB. Evaluer systématiquement la fibrose pour traiter précocement les malades pourra prévenir l'évolution vers la cirrhose et par là réduire la survenue du CHC.
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    Hypertension Management Among Hospitalised Patients at Kamenge University Hospital in Bujumbura
    (East African Health Research Journal | Volume 8, 2024) Ndirahisha, Eugene; Nyandwi, Ramadhan; Nyandwi, Joseph; et al.
    Background: According to the World Health Organization in 2015, 40 million out of the 56 million deaths recorded worldwide (70%) were due to non communicable diseases. These were mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. Methods: A prospective descriptive study was conducted from October 2018 to March 2019. Availability of the files in the department’s archives store for medical records and availability of trained physicians to perform diagnosis and treatment of HBP were the criteria used to select departments to be included in the study. Results: Patients data were recorded from internal medicine department (59.8%), emergency department (18.1%) gynaecology and obstetrics department (13.3%) and surgery department (8.6%). The mean age of the patients who were hospitalised in the study period was 54 years (SD±10.2) with extremes of 18 and 104 years. The modal class was the age group of 50 to 60 with 24.4% of cases. Among patients who were hospitalised, 3.6% (127) had essential hypertension, of which 57.4% (73) were women. Conclusion: Notable percentage of patients hospitalized at the University Hospital of Kamenge had essential hypertension. However, patients’ knowledge of their hypertensive status had no positive contribution to its management.
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    Qualité perçue de services financiers et recours au financement externe formel par les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) de Bukavu en RDC : rôle modérateur de l’état civil
    (Revue Internationale du Chercheur, 2020) Mmenge, Adolphe; Gahungu, Dieudonné
    Cette étude mesure la qualité perçue de services financiers et teste le rôle modérateur de l’état civil dans la relation entre la qualité perçue de services financiers et des Petites et moyennes entreprises de la ville de Bukavu en République Démocratique du Congo en identifiant les dimensions de la qualité perçue plus significative dans l’explication de recours au financement externe formel. Elle analyse les données primaires collectées sur 250 PME de la ville de Bukavu. Le traitement des données a été obtenu en recourant à l’analyse factorielle exploratoire et confirmatoire et à la régression. Les résultats indiquent que l’état civil module la force de relation entre la qualité perçue des services financiers et le recours au financement externe formel des PME. Ils montrent que la qualité perçue des services financiers est un construit à huit items regroupés en trois dimensions (la tangibilité, la fiabilité et la serviabilité). Ils révèlent aussi que la fiabilité et la serviabilité sont les dimensions de la qualité perçue qui influencent positivement et significativement le recours au fond externe formel par les PME de la ville de Bukavu.
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    Two-Aircraft optimal control problem. The in-flight noise reduction
    (ResearchGate, 2012) Nahayo, Fulgence; Khardi, Salah; Haddou,Mounir; Et al.
    The aim of this paper is to present and solve a mathematical model of a two-aircraft optimal control problem reducing the noise on the ground during the approach. The mathematical modelization of this problem is a non-convex optimal control governed by ordinary non-linear differential equations. To solve this problem, A direct method and a Runge-Kutta RK4 discretization schema are used. This discretization schema is chosed because it is a sufficiently high order and it does-not require computation of the partial derivatives of the aircraft dynamic. The Nonlinear Interior point Trust Region Optimization solver KNITRO is applied. A large set of numerical experiments is presented. The obtained results give feasible trajectories with a significant noise reduction.
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    Two-Aircraft Dynamic System on Approach. Flight Path and noise Optimization
    (ResearchGate, 2012) Nahayo, Fulgence; Khardi, Salah; Haddou, Mounir
    The aim of this paper is to present and to solve a mathematical model of two-aircraft optimal control problem reducing noise during the approach. This is a non-convex optimal control problem governed by ordinary non-linear differential equations. A Symplectic Partitioned Runge-Kutta discretization and the Pontryaguin maximum principle are used. Discretization scheme provides a sufficiently high order requiring a computation of the partial derivatives of the aircraft dynamic parameters. The nonlinear interior point trust region optimization solver is applied. Numerical experiments and results are presented. They confirm the feasible optimized trajectories contributing to a significant noise reduction.