Optimal Predictive Algorithm for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Scheduled Lines: Innovative Routing Transport Systems

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Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 14
This paper concerns the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Scheduled Lines "PDPTW-SL" by modeling it mathematically on the one hand with the help of dynamic programming, on the other hand, it presents two optimal predictive methods of combinatorial optimization intended to solve it and which must provide stable and high accuracy solutions. The Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Scheduled lines aims at routing a given set of vehicles to transport freight requests from their origins to their corresponding destinations, where the requests can use scheduled passenger transportation services during a stump of their journeys. We describe the PDPTW-SL as a mixed-integer program. Computational results on a set of small-size instances provide a clear understanding of the bene ts of preprocessing step and valid inequalities using scheduled line services as a part of freights journey.