Post-Quantum Cryptography Based on Computational Assumption Securing Against Quantum Computer: Case of Random Number and Key Generation

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UB, Ecole doctorale
The emergence of practical Quantum computers poses a signi cant threat to the most popular public key cryptographic schemes in current use. This would seriously compromise the con dentiality and integrity of digital communications on the internet and elsewhere. Quantum technologies will revolutionize computation, communication, and sensing, including the way information is secured. Unlike traditional classic cryptography which employs various mathematical techniques to restrict eavesdroppers from learning the contents of encrypted message, Quantum cryptography is focused on the physic of information. Thus, the implementation of new cryptographic primitives is essential. They must follow the breakthroughs and properties of quantum calculators which make vulnerable existing cryptosystems. In this work, we described the evolution of cryptography and the theory related to computational performance and predictive modeling of quantum computers to improve the life of new quantum universe. We proposed a random number generation model based on evaluation of the thermal noise power of the given number of volume elements of an electronic or embedded system. We proved, through the sampling of the temperature of each volume, that it is very di cult for an attacker to carry out an exploit. We generated a stream of key that will be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.