KWIZERA Eloi EdouardKASSAI ZsuzsannaNDAYITWAYEKO Willy Marcel2024-03-062024-03-062018-04KWIZERA Eloi Edouard, KASSAI Zsuzsanna, NDAYITWAYEKO Willy Marcel, Analysis of technical agricultural efficiency in Burundi : case study of staple crop, pp. 206-250, Cahiers du CURDES n° 17, Avril 2018. study aims at analyzing of Burundi agricultural technical efficiency determinants of staple crop during the mayor crop season B in 2011-2012. The results have shown a low level of agricultural efficiency using the stochastic frontier analysis method. An average of technical efficiency level of 0.48. The agricultural efficiency level observed in Burundi agricultural sector showed a possibility of doubling the agricultural production using the same inputs by achieving the optimum efficiency. The determinants of agricultural efficiency enhancement inc1uded improving access to market, road, extension, agricultural loan and reduction of vulnerability of young and female farrners. A focus on agricultural efficiency enhancement might be prioritized to increase agricultural incorne.enAnalysis of technical agricultural efficiency in Burundi : case study of staple crop, pp. 206-250,Article